Artwork by different artists

Here you can find the amazing drawings from other artists about the characters from Animas. If you want to look at the originals, just click on the picture title in the picture description. Would you prefer to go directly to the page of the respective artist, simply click on the name in the respective image description.

Have fun watching it!

“Not lehrt beten” by BlueHunter
„Ich verstehe. Ich frage mich jedoch, warum du erst in Zeiten deiner größter Not die Hände ehrlich gen Himmel faltest? Wieso muss die Not den Ungläubigen erst in die richtige Richtung weisen, so dass dieser versteht? Wenn der Tod seine kalten Glieder nach deinem Freund ausstreckt, so ist dies Gottes Wille. Du kannst beten, aber du kannst dich nicht seinem höheren Willen widersetzen. Guten Abend.

“Kleiner Teufel” by BlueHunter
„You know, the rats told me where our Sanctimony stores the offertories he collects. We just need to be careful and quick …“

Ladykiller” by Shimruno

Bonfire” by Shimruno

Rouven” by LiLaiRa

Rouven” by Zerda-Fox

New land” by AzorART

Hey there” by Liraelwolf

“Shadow Rouven” by BlueHunter

“Rouven Glotzi” by BlueHunter

“Rouven Sketch” by BlueHunter

“Rouven” by Angiewolf

Dark things” (Dard) by Alaiaorax

“Rouven” by Contusioart

Got you.” by BlueHunter
„I’m glad that we finally meet.“

“Ylva – Lebenszyklen” by ZimtHandmade

“The King and his beast” by ContusioArt

“Spurenleser” by BlueHunter

“Benedic Headshot” by Disperso-15

(Warning! The link leads to a picture that shows a high act of violence. Watch at your own risk: “Ylva’s lament“)